Deborah Genchi’s elegant tattoo designs

Elegant woman is elegant in everything. In clothes, manners, habits, tastes and preferences. And of course, if she is engaged in creative work, then everything that comes out from under her hands is impregnated with this elegance.

Today we want to introduce you to the charming young artist Deborah Genchi, creating amazing, magical tattoos filled with the caressing Italian sun. Her works are full of harmony and lightness inherent in watercolor tattoos, but at the same time, they are have a much-needed dynamic.

Tattoo artist Deborah Genchi, authors style color watercolor surrealistic tattoo | Bari, Italy

When you look at them, warm memories of those moments begin to play in your head, when all the worries of the days, fading into the background, allowed the mind to fall to the unhurried melody of life.

Tattoo artist Deborah Genchi, authors style color watercolor surrealistic tattoo | Bari, Italy

Currently, Deborah lives and works in Bari (Italy), which is located on the Adriatic coast, in her own studio DebrArt Tattoos. In addition to working in the studio, she also spends a lot of time traveling and bringing her touching creativity far beyond the borders of her native Italy!

Tattoo artist Deborah Genchi, authors style color watercolor surrealistic tattoo | Bari, Italy

Tattoo artist Deborah Genchi, authors style color watercolor surrealistic tattoo | Bari, ItalyTattoo artist Deborah Genchi, authors style color watercolor surrealistic tattoo | Bari, ItalyTattoo artist Deborah Genchi, authors style color watercolor surrealistic tattoo | Bari, ItalyTattoo artist Deborah Genchi, authors style color watercolor surrealistic tattoo | Bari, ItalyTattoo artist Deborah Genchi, authors style color watercolor surrealistic tattoo | Bari, ItalyTattoo artist Deborah Genchi, authors style color watercolor surrealistic tattoo | Bari, ItalyTattoo artist Deborah Genchi, authors style color watercolor surrealistic tattoo | Bari, ItalyTattoo artist Deborah Genchi, authors style color watercolor surrealistic tattoo | Bari, ItalyTattoo artist Deborah Genchi, authors style color watercolor surrealistic tattoo | Bari, Italy

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