The mystery of the giant 20,000-year-old pyramid at the bottom of the Portuguese sea

Sailor Diocletian Silva, while at sea, accidentally discovered a large pyramid on the seabed near Portugal. The amazing thing is that this pyramid is at least 20,000 years old. This discovery once again raises big questions about human history. Is it true that before our civilization, there were many other advanced civilizations?


Before our civilization, there were many other advanced civilizations? (Illustration via

According to Portuguese media, in 2013, Mr. Diocletian Silva was on a boat searching for fishing grounds in the Atlantic Ocean when he caught a strange radar signal.

After that, he immediately followed the signal and discovered a large pyramid with the top located 12 meters above the sea surface. The pyramid is located between the island of São Miguel and the island of Terceira, in the Azores archipelago off the coast of Portugal.


Scanning images of the new pyramid were discovered using high-tech equipment. (Photo via extranotix)

This discovery has surprised many people. Since then, experts and archaeologists have spent a lot of time researching this work. They were extremely impressed when they realized that the bottom of the building was a pretty perfect square, with 4 sides facing the 4 main directions (east, west, south, north).

According to data collected via GPS, this pyramid is about 60 meters high and the square base is about 8,000 square meters wide.


Topographic map of the area where the pyramid was discovered.

Not only scientists, the Portuguese navy also participated in decoding the mysteries of this project. After a long period of examination and dating analysis, experts said that this structure sank to the bottom of the sea about 20,000 years ago. Therefore its age must be at least over 20,000 years.

Researchers believe that the pyramid lying under the sea is the remains of an advanced civilization in the past that we have never known about.


Mr. Diocleciano Silva, the person who discovered the pyramid. (Photo via IBTimes UK)

Some people believe that this is most likely a relic of the legendary Atlantis civilization. According to philosopher Plato, Atlantis was a land larger than Libya and Asia combined, located in the Atlantic Ocean. This place once possessed the ultimate civilization, but after the people’s morality became increasingly corrupt, even those who dared to blaspheme the gods were sunk to the bottom of the ocean.

Coincidentally, the Azores archipelago lies around faults between the North American, Eurasian and African tectonic plates, suggesting underlying instability.

Other vestiges of prehistoric civilization

Not long after the pyramid under the Portuguese seabed was discovered, archaeologists from the Portuguese Archaeological Research Association (APIA) continued to find archaeological evidence showing that humans once inhabited the Azores archipelago thousands of years before the Portuguese discovered the archipelago in 1427. Evidence includes numerous pyramidal stone structures, some as tall as 13 meters.


One of 140 pyramids observed by archaeologists in the Madalena area of Pico Island, Azores. Some of these structures are about 13 meters high. (43 feet). (APIA photo)

In 2012, archaeologists also discovered some rock art on Terceira Island, which they believe is thousands of years old.

In the last three years, many ancient archaeological remains were also identified on all nine islands of the Azores archipelago. These include a Roman-era monument, Carthaginian sanctuaries, cave paintings and megalithic structures.

These evidences further support the hypothesis that there once existed an ancient civilization in the Azores archipelago, and perhaps it was the civilization that built the giant pyramid on the seabed.

According to most current scientists, humans are a species of creatures that appeared no more than 2 to 3 million years ago. And according to evolutionary theory, the formation of human civilization has not exceeded the scope of 10,000 years ago.

So who created the pyramid under the sea 20,000 years ago? This discovery once again forces us to rewrite the origins and history of humanity. Before our civilization this time, there were other advanced civilizations that for some reason perished.

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