Lion, tiger and bear form lasting friendship after being rescued as cubs


This story originally appeared on InspireMore.

Lions, tigers and bears are definitely not made to live in packs. But not all animals have gone through the trauma that forged the bond between three normally opposing male predators.

In 2001, police raided the home of a drug dealer in Atlanta, Georgia. In the basement they encountered a heartbreaking sight. There sat three terrified, malnourished, parasite-ridden puppies who certainly didn’t belong in anyone’s home.


Photo: Facebook/The BLT – Baloo, Leo and Shere Khan

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The African lion, Leo, had been put inside a small cage with an open wound on his face. Shere Khan, the Bengal tiger, was emaciated and the black bear, Baloo, was wearing a harness so small it had become embedded in his flesh.

But his nightmare finally ended; The Georgia Department of Natural Resources took them to Noah’s Ark Animal Sanctuary, a nonprofit animal rescue in Locust Grove. There they would spend the rest of their days on a beautiful 250-acre property. They had already been through too much in their short lives to be released back into the wild.


Photo: Facebook/The BLT – Baloo, Leo and Shere Khan

“When they were first brought to the sanctuary, Baloo, Shere Khan and Leo were hurt, scared and clinging to each other for comfort,” curator Allison Hedgecoth told HuffPost. And as they became more comfortable, they groomed each other, hugged each other, and played together. Clearly, they were a close trio.


Photo: Facebook/The BLT – Baloo, Leo and Shere Khan

Sanctuary staff anticipated the need to separate the friends once they reached sexual maturity, as they would likely drift apart. After all, it is the natural order of the animal kingdom. But the trio, known as BLT (bear, lion, tiger), never broke up. The sanctuary finally decided to keep them together.


Photo: Facebook/The BLT – Baloo, Leo and Shere Khan

For 15 years, Baloo, Leo and Shere Khan lived, slept and ate in the same habitat. And after surviving such horror together, they couldn’t have been happier.


Photo: Facebook/The BLT – Baloo, Leo and Shere Khan

Playful Baloo loved to tease Leo with gentle bites. And the affectionate Shere Khan could often be found snuggled up to any of his siblings.

“Even though they live in a three-acre enclosure, they are usually within 100 feet of each other,” Allison told Inside Edition. “That is proof that they not only coexist or cohabit, but that they really enjoy each other’s company.”


Photo: Facebook/The BLT – Baloo, Leo and Shere Khan

Leo and Shere Khan spent the rest of their lives with Baloo before passing away, respectively, in 2016 and 2018. Baloo was present at both their funerals and was a constant presence in their final days.


Photo: Facebook/The BLT – Baloo, Leo and Shere Khan

While everyone at the sanctuary is still heartbroken over his death, they find comfort in knowing that they gave the three of them a fantastic life together. And they’re making sure Baloo knows he’s not alone.


Photo: Facebook/The BLT – Baloo, Leo and Shere Khan

Rest in peace, Leo and Shere Khan. The world will never forget your beautiful story of survival and friendship.

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