2024: The Year of Groundbreaking Archaeological Discoveries

Society Thursday, February 22, 2024 00:30 From using artificial intelligence (AI) to decode documents lost over time to solving the mystery of human relatives, there are some breakthroughs. broke expectations in the field of archeology this year. In 2024, we have…

Frozen in Time: Explore the Enchanting Roman City Preserved for 2,000 Years

Close-up of Roman city, where time stopped for 2,000 years – Quang Ninh electronic newspaper 4 15 Photo/ /cuoc-song-qua-anh 240 Multimedia /multimedia 3230973 1384627 Close-up of Roman city, where time stopped passed for 2,000 years, 2,000 years ago…

Explore 10 Stunning Roman Ruins That Stand the Test of Time

1. Segovia Aqueduct Located in the historic center of Segovia in Spain, this amazing aqueduct is one of the most beautiful structures and is still preserved today. Believed to have been built by the Romans around 110 AD, it was…

Pompeii: The revival of the ancient Italian city that once died

Once the most luxurious place in ancient Rome. More than 2,000 years ago, on the shore of the Mediterranean, Pompeii was a bustling city during the height of the Roman Empire. Pompeii has about 20,000 inhabitants and is famous for its olive oil and grape products. Less than 10 minutes from the city…

Timeless Wonders: Athens and the World’s Top 6 Ancient Cities

Athens, Susa, and Damascus are all on the list of the world’s oldest ancient cities with an existence of more than 6,000 years. The Greek capital Athens is an ancient city 7,000 years old. Screenshot Throughout the history of formation…

Pompeii: The Lost City Unearthed

The destroyed city of Pompeii – Part 2: Ignored danger (HIGH) It took hundreds of years to build and become one of the booming cities, but cruel fate turned Pompeii into a pile of ruins. ashes in just one day. The spray…

The Enigmatic Mysteries of the Great Sphinx Beside Egypt’s Giza Pyramids

Bức tượng Nhân sư Vĩ đại nằm cạnh Kim tự tháp Giza ở Ai Cập. (Nguồn: Vietnam+) Với thân sư tử và khuôn mặt của một vị hoàng đế, bức tượng Nhân sư Vĩ đại đã trở thành một biểu tượng của Ai Cập cổ đại, truyền cảm hứng cho các bản sao trên khắp thế giới, …

The Reigning Queen of Multilingual Genius and Global Influence

Cleopatra, the Queen of Egypt, left an indelible ʍα𝚛ҡ on history, not only for her political ρ𝚛owe𝕤𝕤 but also for her remarkable intellect and knowledge. Her ascent to the throne at the tender age of 17 was a pivotal moment in her life and marked the …

9 Groundbreaking Sumerian Inventions That Changed the World

Người dân Sumer có khiếu phát minh công nghệ khác thường. (Ảnh minh hoạ: Pixabay) Người Sumer cổ đại sinh sống cách đây hàng nghìn năm giữa hai con sông Tigris và Euphrates, ở miền nam Iraq ngày nay, đã xây dựng một nền văn minh phát triển vượt bậc tương …

Explore the Wonders of Costumes, Masks, and the Ancient Greek Theater Stage

What did ancient Greek costumes, masks, and theatre look like? Theater played an important role in ancient Greece. The history of the Greek theater started with festivals held in honor of their gods honoring their gods. A god, Dionysus, was honored with …